Normally, the vagina is positioned in a downward manner which allows the penis or toy to enter the vagina at an “angle” (angle of pleasure) during penetration. This leads to stimulation of the G Zone and an overall increase in sexual gratification with the associated achievement of vaginally activated orgasms.

In some women, with age and advancing child birth, this angle CAN be permanently lost due to the perineum (distance between the opening of the vagina and the anus) shortening and flattening. This causes the opening of the vagina to widen and the “angle” to become horizontal (vs downward) in nature which leads to a loss of stimulation of the G Zone and an overall lack of sexual gratification. There may also be an associated pelvic relaxation or loss of tone at the opening of the vagina and / or it’s entire length.
Traditional vaginoplasty/perineoplasty procedures rectifies this problem by reducing the internal and external diameters of the vagina and the cosmetic reconstruction of the perineum. This results in a narrower vaginal barrel and restoration of the “angle” with the additional benefit of giving the perineum a more youthful look. There is a subsequent increase in sexual gratification. This procedure is extremely effective with a 95% success rate and good patient satisfaction. It is also intended to be a permanent procedure.
However, there is an associated prolonged healing time (6-8 weeks), risk of wound break down, inability to deliver vaginally for future deliveries and the lengthy surgery time under anaesthesia (local, spinal or general).
The Vagilangelo™️ Procedure is a 20 minute procedure which rebuilds the angle of pleasure by rebuilding tissue and collagen at the level of the hymen above the perineum. It is also combined with PRP (platelet rich plasma) to the vagina and G Zone. It was designed by New York Cosmetic Gynaecologist Dr. Amir Marashi (@nycgyno).
The procedure is done under local anaesthesia and has less complications when compared to traditional vaginoplasty/perineoplasty procedures. Patients are able to resume intercourse within four to five weeks and are also able to deliver vaginally for future deliveries. It is intended to be a permanent procedure.
The degree of tightening offered with the Vagilangelo™️ procedure IS NOT AS significant as a full vaginoplasty/ perineoplasty however it is vastly improved with good patient satisfaction.
This procedure can also be combined with a perineoplasty for aesthetic purposes.
This procedure is not a replacement of traditional vaginoplasty/perineoplasty procedures but rather an alternative for women who do not want to partake in a full surgery.
The Vagilangelo™️ Procedure is now available in Jamaica.
Check out the first presentation done for the Caribbean on the Vagilangelo™️